Micro Credit Association Ghana
The Micro Credit Association Ghana [MCAG] incorporated on May 2, 2010 as an umbrella organization for Money Lending organizations and individuals under the Companies Code 1963 (Act 179) as an association limited by guarantee with the following objectives: To bring members under one umbrella organization. To network and develop professional relationships among members and all stakeholders.
To partner other APEX bodies and networks to build a unified fronts for lobbying government, development partners and regulatory bodies to influence Microfinance policies. To provide acceptable operating standards of practice for members and to internally monitor and regulate the operations of members.
To ensure that members abide by the code of conduct and practice by the association. To promote welfare of members.
To build capacity of members, to empower their clients, to achieve sustainability in their businesses and livelihoods (with special focus on Financial Inclusion). VISION STATEMENT To be the most credible Microfinance institution in Ghana that empowers its members to improve the living conditions of their clients.