Christmas is a time of remembering, the love of God for mankind, and the gift of his son Jesus Christ. And in this spirit of love and giving, staff of SIC Life Savings and Loans, visited the Teshie Children’s home, with gifts to wish to wish them a Merry Christmas.
To receive the items was the mother of the orphanage, Mrs. Janet Parker and some of the children. Mrs. Parker said the orphanage has been running since 1995, with the aim of providing a homely atmosphere for deprived children, especially those who would have found themselves on the street. She said, the orphanage sees it as part of its civic duty to think of the plight of children who by no fault of theirs cannot enjoy parental care. She then thanked SICLife Savings and Loans for their generosity.
Presenting the items, Ms Roseline Mann, Customer Service & Corporate Affairs Manager of SIC Life Savings and Loans congratulated her benevolence and thanked her on the behalf of the children. She said management of the company, send their best wishes to the mother, workers and children of the orphanage and hope the items will add to their Christmas joy and festivity.
She was accompanied by Ms Ekua Eguakun, Head of Legal and a few other staff members of SICLife Savings and Loans.