Divisional Head - Primary
Other Admin Jobs Information
*Strategic Direction & Development*
1. In collaboration with leadership, develop a strategic view for the Division, aligning with the overall strategic plan, identifying its philosophy, overall aims, and targets.
2. Implement the ratified strategic plan for the Division, ensuring sound financial planning and management, with priorities and targets aimed at raising achievement and sustaining school improvement.
3. Develop, implement, monitor, and evaluate policies aligned with overall school aims and objectives, considering national and global trends, local data, and research findings.
4. Create an ethos that fosters a collaborative educational vision of excellence and direction.
5. Prioritise the sustained improvement of students’ spiritual, moral, cultural, mental, and physical development.
6. Ensure that the management and organisation of the school support its vision, aims, and objectives.
*Teaching & Learning*
1. Oversee the organisation and implementation of a diverse, flexible, and appropriate curriculum within the overall framework provided by Cambridge and implement an effective assessment framework.
2. Create and maintain an environment and code of behaviour that promotes and secures good teaching, effective learning, high standards of achievement, and discipline.
3. Monitor and evaluate the standards of learning and teaching, ensuring appropriate professional performance and addressing underperformance at all levels.
4. Assess, monitor, and evaluate the curriculum to identify areas for improvement and foster a personalised learning culture.
5. Monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and learning, including Special Educational Needs, ensuring inclusion, diversity, and access.
6. Develop and maintain effective partnerships with parents, guardians, the community, and other schools.
7. Extend students’ learning experiences and personal development by creating effective links with business and industry.
8. Participate in teaching learners, including providing cover for absent teachers.
9. Prepare reports and data analysis on Divisional management, staff, and student performance for the Principal and Board when required.
*Management & Administration*
1. Maintain all records related to the management of the Primary Division.
2. Order equipment and supplies when necessary, with approval.
3. Prepare agendas and written reports for all committee/parent meetings.
4. Participate in the recruitment and selection of teaching staff.
5. Plan, allocate, support, and evaluate work undertaken by groups, teams, and individuals, ensuring clear delegation of tasks.
6. Lead, coordinate, and monitor professional development for staff, including the induction of new teachers, based on assessment of needs.
7. Ensure that professional duties are fulfilled.
8. Develop good working relationships with management, staff, learners, parents, and the community.
9. Foster a positive and healthy culture within the learning community.
*Leadership & Personnel Management*
1. Develop and maintain a decision-making structure that encourages staff participation and effective communication.
2. Ensure all staff and volunteers are vetted.
3. Facilitate regular staff and curriculum planning meetings.
4. Implement and sustain effective systems for staff performance management, including appraisal and target setting.
5. Offer support, supervision, and direction to staff, promoting a strong sense of teamwork.
6. Coordinate recruitment and selection procedures as needed, in collaboration with leadership.
7. Identify and support staff training requirements.
8. Carry out induction and orientation programs for new staff and volunteers.
9. Encourage team development and a collaborative ethos for shared outcomes across the Division.
*Liaising with Parents & Guardians*
1. Maintain close communication with parents and guardians, being available to discuss their child's progress and welfare.
2. Provide parents and guardians with regular updates about the school and reports on their children’s work and progress, ensuring opportunities for discussion.
Carry out any duties that may be reasonably required by the Principal.