Start Up Culture In The Lecture Hall

Virtual Events Information
Startup Culture in the lecture Hall is an initiative by Springfield Events to bring together student entrepreneurs to discover solutions to the challenges they face through purposeful engagement with a broad array of voices from the entrepreneurship community. The main areas for dialogue for this edition that participants will benefit from will be on developing soft skills, leadership skills, communities of entrepreneurship(ecosystems), importance of universities in fostering entrepreneurship, with seasoned speakers who are impact makers. Some of the resource personnel include Mr. Josiah Kwesi Eyison - CEO iSpace Foundation/ Business and Policy Consultant | Mr. Daniel Owusu : Managing Partner, The Misfit Consulting/ Management Consultant | Ms Claudia Twum -Moderator- CEO Springfield Events/Curator of The Studentpreneur Network, Miss Akweley Abena Okai- CEO and Co-founder of VistaEdu, Dr Maxwell Ampong CEO OF Maxwell Investments Group with a special appearance by Rev Charles J Buckman, Founder of Fathers House UK, Samson Williams, President of the Crowdfunding Professional Association Adjunct Professor at University of New Hampshire School of Law and an Instructor at Columbia University in NYC and Professor Paul Igwe, Lincoln International Business School, University of Lincoln, UK/ Visiting Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Coal City University, Enugu, Nigeria. Some topics to be discussed are: Developing entrepreneurial skills and startup ideas, Values- Based Leadership in an Age of Uncertainty, The role of universities in fostering entrepreneurship, The Case for Sustainability: how to develop a sustainable, environmentally conscious business.
It starts at 6:00 GMT on 20th of January 2023 and will be conducted online. You must register at to receive a certificate of participation or join directly using the zoom link below. :
Meeting ID: 893 7340 1576
Passcode: 669825
For more information, call +233-0505-255-445 or email