Power Purchase Agreement (Online Course)

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Infocus International Group announces new dates for the Power Purchase Agreement online workshop, commencing live on 18th March & 14th October 2025.
Registration fees applied
Session 1: 18 March 2025, 7am – 10am GMT | 14 October 2025, 11am – 2pm GMT
Introduction to Power Markets and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)
Session 2: 20 March 2025, 7am – 10am GMT | 15 October 2025, 11am – 2pm GMT
PPAs in the Context of Power Project Development
Session 3: 24 March 2025, 7am – 10am GMT | 16 October 2025, 11am – 2pm GMT
Prices: Tariffs, Quantities, Escalation, Payment
Session 4: 26 March 2025, 7am – 10am GMT | 22 October 2025, 11am – 2pm GMT
When Things Go Wrong – Force Majeure, Damages, Termination, Disputes
Session 5: 27 March 2025, 7am – 10am GMT | 23 October 2025, 11am – 2pm GMT
Virtual PPAs, Environmental Credits, Financing, Management
Register 3 persons to enjoy discount
Click here for brochure
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) operate in many different contexts. They can be used to support the development of new projects, or for the supply of energy from existing projects. They can be written by independent power producers, governments or utilities. They can operate in regions with sophisticated power exchanges and markets, and they can also operate in developing countries with a single buyer and a centralized monopoly power utility. In the sessions of this course, we cover each of these contexts.
In this course of 15 modules, delivered over 5 sessions, we firstly cover the fundamentals of power purchasing and important concepts that you need to understand to read, write and negotiate PPAs. After tackling the fundamentals, we examine specific components of the agreements, and focus on those most commonly the subject of negotiation between power producers and power customers. We also look at how the PPA fits into the web of contracts relating to a power development project, and the interaction between the PPA and other contracts.
The course will cover both legal and commercial aspects of the PPA, and will include specific examples of PPAs for solar farms, wind farms, rooftop solar PV projects, Contracts for Difference, virtual PPAs, corporate PPAs and renewable energy credit purchasing.
Secure your seat now to structure successful Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), managing competitive electricity markets & attracting merchant power investments
Want to learn more?
Simply email calvin@infocusinternational.com or call +65 6325 0235 to obtain your FREE COPY of the event brochure. For more information, please visit www.infocusinternational.com/ppa-online
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Infocus International is a global business intelligence provider of strategic information and professional services for diverse business communities. We recognise clients’ needs and respond with innovative and result oriented programmes. All products are founded on high value content in diverse subject areas, and the highest level of quality is ensured through intensive and in-depth market research from local and international insights. For more information: www.infocusinternational.com