Amenrah Worshippers
AMENRAH WORSHIPPERS Ghana is the headquarter of AMENRAH WORSHIPPERS, (or THE SPIRITUAR TEMPLE OF CHRISTIAN ones) which preaches and practice the true doctrine of Christianity as it was been done in ancient Nubia where Christianity started before spreading to Greek and Europe. The leader His Holiness Tr.
T., M.S.S., T.S.S. is blessed with ancient and divine gift of GOD to lead mankind in it’s spiritual, social and economical freedom on earth through this medium for heavens on earth blessing and elevation, because it is a sin to be poor on earth of abundance substance, so it may it be in heavens.
It is a gospel mandatory for everyone to create heaven on earth as a ticket for any of the seven heavens elevation which is mandatory to every human-being to attain. Amenraah Temple of AMENRAH WORSHIPPERS is here to lead you straight to these goals. Mythology:- Members of AMENRAH WORSHIPPERS believed Osiris was the first Master to attain the Christhood in our present day civilization a title he acquired in ancient Atlantic empire and passed it on to this present day civilization in Nubia (Africa).
He ordained a lot of disciples into Christhood and even after His death Esu, Iesus, Isa, Jesus or Yesu (who\'s name literary means \"The son of Isis\" in ancient hebrew language, though his real mother is Cleopatra and father Julius Caesar of Roman Empire) benefited from this rich wisdom for three years after Jesus returned from Buddhist monastery in the Himalayas and was initiated into the Luxor Lodge and passed-out as the eighteenth Christ. The fraternity of Osiris (who was a God chiefly of regeneration and re-birth) had a particularly strong interest toward the concept of immortality.
Plutarch recounts one version of the myth surrounding the cult in which Set (Osiris\' brother) lured Osiris into getting into a box, which he then shut, had sealed with lead, and threw into the Nile (sarcophagi were based on the box in this myth). Osiris\' wife, Isis, searched for his remains until she finally found him embedded in a tree trunk, which was holding up the roof of a palace in Byblos on the Phoenician coast. She managed to remove the coffin and open it, but Osiris was already dead.
She used a spell she had learned from her father and brought him back to life so he could impregnate her. After they finished, he died again, so she hid his body in the desert.
Months later, she gave birth to Horus. While she was off raising him, Set had been out hunting one night, and he came across the body of Osiris.
Enraged, he tore the body into fourteen pieces and scattered them throughout the land. Isis gathered up all the parts of the body, less the phallus which was eaten by a fish thereafter considered taboo by the Egyptians, and bandaged them together for a proper burial.
The gods were impressed by the devotion of Isis and thus resurrected Osiris not Jesus (isus-the son of Isis) as the god of the underworld. Because of his death and resurrection, Osiris is associated with the flooding and retreating of the Nile and thus with the crops along the Nile valley.
[Spine of Egypt]. Diodorus Siculus gives another version of the myth in which Osiris is described as an ancient king who taught the Egyptians the arts of civilization, including agriculture. Osiris is murdered by his evil brother Set, whom Diodorus associates with the evil Typhon (\"Typhonian Beast\") of Greek mythology.
Typhon divides the body into twenty six pieces which he distributes amongst his fellow conspirators in order to implicate them in the murder. Isis and Horus avenge the death of Osiris and slay Typhon.
Isis recovers all the parts of Osiris body, less the phallus, and secretly buries them. She made replicas of them and distributed them to several locations which then became centres of Osiris (not Jesus) worship. The tale of Osiris becoming fish-like is cognate with the story the Greek shepherd god Pan becoming fish like from the waist down in the same river Nile after being attacked by Typhon.
This attack was part of a generational feud in which both Zeus and Dionysus were dismembered by Typhon, in a similar manner as Osiris was by Set in Egypt. Osiris was viewed as the one who died to save the many, who rose from the dead, the first (and the only man who rose not Jesus) of a long line that has significantly affected man\'s view of the world and expectations of an afterlife. Passion and Resurrection Scholars such as E.A. Wallis Budge have suggested possible connections or parallels of Osiris\' resurrection story with those found in Christianity: \"The Egyptians of every period in which they are known to us believed that Osiris was of divine origin, that he suffered death and mutilation at the hands of the powers of evil, that after a great struggle with these powers he rose again, that he became henceforth the king of the underworld and judge of the dead not Jesus, and that because he had conquered death the righteous also might conquer death.
In Osiris the Christian Egyptians found the prototype of Christ, and in the pictures and statues of Isis suckling her son Horus, they perceived the prototypes of the Virgin Mary and her child.\" DETAILS PICTURES WILL BE ADDED LATER Plutarch and others have noted that the sacrifices to Osiris were gloomy, solemn, and mournful... and that the great mystery festival, celebrated in two phases, began at Abydos on the 17th of Athyr (November 13) commemorating the death of the god, which is also the same day that grain was planted in the ground.
The death of the grain and the death of the god were one and the same: the cereal was identified with the god who came from heaven; he was the bread by which man lives. The resurrection of the God symbolized the rebirth of the grain.\' The annual festival involved the construction of \'Osiris Beds\' formed in shape of Osiris, filled with soil and sown with seed. The germinating seed symbolized Osiris rising from the dead.
An almost pristine example was found in the tomb of Tutankhamun by Howard Carter. The first phase of the festival was a public drama depicting the murder and dismemberment of Osiris, the search of his body by Isis, his triumphal return as the resurrected god, and the battle in which Horus defeated Set.
This was all presented by skilled actors as a literary history, and was the main method of recruiting cult membership. According to Julius Firmicus Maternus of the fourth century, this play was re-enacted each year by worshippers who beat their breasts and gashed their shoulders....
When they pretend that the mutilated remains of the god have been found and rejoined...they turn from mourning to rejoicing. (De Errore Profanorum). Worship of Osiris the Christ Osiris was worshipped widely throughout all of Egypt, and his cult center was Abydos.
The cult of Osiris continued up until the 6th century AD on the island of Philae in Upper Nile. The Theodosian decree (in about 380 AD) to destroy all Nubian temples and force worshipers to accept similar religion termed Christianity but were not enforced there.
The worship of Isis and Osiris was allowed to continue at Philae until the time of Justinian. This toleration was due to an old treaty made between the Blemyes-Nobadae and Diocletian.
Every year they visited Elaphantine and at certain intervals took the image of Isis up river to the land of the Blemyes for oracular purposes before returning it. Justinian would not tolerate this and sent Narses to destroy the sanctuaries, with the priests being arrested and the divine images taken to Constantinople. Osiris was viewed as the one who died to save the many, who rose from the dead but these was wrongfully ascribe to Jesus Emmanuel, the first of a long line that has significantly affected man\'s view of the world and expectations of an afterlife.
Picture of \"THE SUN-GOD RA SLAYING THE DRAGON OF DARKNESS\" will be added later. From the Papyrus of Hunefer, c. B.C.
1370. AMENRAH FAITH When the ancient Hem - Neter/Priests used animal heads on humans to represent a Divine Vibration they were not worshiping the animal but what the animal represents. This is no different to nowadays\'s Christians using a Lamb to represent the Son of God or Dove representing the Holy Spirit of God or a Burning Bush to represent God.
Surely, alternative Christians do not worship lambs, doves or bushes on fire. The primordial man of pre - historic Kemet seeing the falcon fly as if it came from the Sun as it attacked its prey in flight thought that the falcon came from the Sun deity Ra. The ancient Hem - Neter/Priest of Kemet kept the symbol of the Falcon as Ra showing respect for the primordial mind of the pre - historic African and also tapping his pure understanding from the primordial man\'s pure intelligence of the heart that instinctively knew of the power and majesty of Sun Neter Ra.
The Ancients of Kemet as did many cultures saw the Sun/ Ra as the symbol of the Creator which in a sense is true since everything on Earth initially came from the Sun and living things on Earth daily depend on the Sun. Most people do not know that Moses, who wrote the first five books of the Bible was a priest of Amen - Ra. Amen \"the hidden name of GOD\".
Amen was the local deity of Uas. When the Hem - Neter/Priests of Amen - Ra, using their kesu / rituals, invoked the power of Amen-Ra in Ahmes, the first king of the 18th Dynasty, he, with his army, defeated the Hyksos invaders.
THIS AMEN OR AMENRAH GOD SO POWERFUL AND ULTIMATE THAT COMPARED ALL RELIGION TO WORSHIP AMEN. THE Hebrew and Christian prayers all have the word \"Amen\" at the end of their prayers as an adoration of the Almighty Amen. Alexander the Great after conquering Kemet changed his named to Amen Meri - Beloved of Amen.
There were shrines to Amen-Ra throughout the Middle East and in India. \"In the Beginning, there was the Word.\" - Genesis These words were supposedly written by Moses, the former Hem -Neter of Amen - Ra. In the Hindu Vedic tradition, the Universe began when the Word \"Aum\" was said.
Other spiritual cultures have similar origins of the Universe starting with sound. In the Kemetic Spiritual Tradition the chanting of Medu Neter or Mdw Netcher or Hieroglyphics sets up a Vibration that controls Matter, Space and Time.
The writings of Medu Neter on large long strips of metal helped create a Anti - gravity well that made it much easier for the builders of the Great Pyramid at Giza to move two and half ton to 5 ton stones to construct the Great Pyramid that is 40 stories high and ten blocks long. The Khemet Hesi of Amen - Ra The Khemet Hesi or Triple Chant of Amen - Ra is the Foundation Medu Neter that powers the Pyramid Matrix. Click on the Pyramid Matrix Book to experience the Pyramid Matrix Bio - electro magnetic Field that reduces stress, helps release tension and helps promote healing.
AMENRAH CHANTS Aum, Amenrah! aum Amenrah......, ooom Amenrah oooh, Amenraah!!! Hun ye mobor, hun ye mobor, hun ye mooobor ooom Amenraah!!! Teei!!! ye sufre. Teei ye sufre, Teei! ye sufre, woou Amenrah!!! Ye dawaseo!!! Ye dawase.
Ye dawaseo oom Amenraah!.