Haggle-Mon Company Limited
Haggle-Mon Company Limited is a Ghanaian start-up company dedicated to the production, processing and export of Shea Butter and other agro products. The company has since March of 2017 engaged in the supply of food crops; supplying the main city markets in Accra and Kumasi with such crops as cocoyam, groundnut, maize, plantain, yam, etc.
from the many crop producing villages/towns in the country.
Our goal is to become the foremost entity in the purchase and supply of food crops and agro products in Ghana.
Regarding our Shea Butter products, they are uniquely processed, packaged and branded to ensure our products meet international standards. Our goal is to ensure our Shea Butter brand penetrates all cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industry, delivering quality Shea Butter and competitive pricing on the international market.
Vision Statement: Our desire is to become the house hold name in the supply of the highest quality Shea Butter product on the international market from Ghana.
Mission Statement: Our mission is to penetrate the international market by forging strategic partnerships with cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food processing companies based on trust, reliability and consistency.