JOSH TRACXS is a Sole Proprietor registered company having evolved from AdedeinkpoEternal Universal Tracxs with varied experience.
Josh Tracxs registered as a general merchant and real estate agent providing products and services to clients and businesses.
VISION:To be the preferred bridge between Small and Medium Enterprises to the global corporate world.
To work diligently and exceptionally in bringing solutions to businesses in need of support to achieve set goals.
With the motto “Affecting Generations” we employ methods that exceed the expectations of clients and bringing exceptional products and services we believe brings about continuous success in business.
Josh Tracxs is the leading distributor of KOKOBY Smooth Fruit Juice of One Hundred Percent (100%) natural fruits; Pineapple with Passion Fruit mix ; Pineapple, Pawpaw with Passion Fruit mix and Pineapple, Mango with Passion Fruit mix.
NATU Drinks are manufactured from One Hundred Percent (100%) natural ingredients of ; Honey with Prekese ( Aridan Fruit) mix and Honey with Cashew Apple Juice mix. All beverages are proudly MADE IN GHANA.
BeverageTherapeuticxs® All berverages are naturally therapeutic for a healthy life style we deliver to your home , office and event center.