African Human Right Heritage
The African Human Right Heritage is a movement of people world wide doing all that is humanly necessary and possible to alleviate root causes of conflicts, corruption and poverty through conditional community policing to socio-economic cooperation by way of community based peace building and good governance. We engage in partnerships with civil society groups at grassroots for implementation of international human rights standards, compliance, monitoring and evaluating toward obstacles facing human sincerity and sustainable development so that there will be reduction of manmade crises including terrorism, conflicts, corruption and poverty. The organization’s aim is not to stop lawlessness but alleviate root causes of poverty by way of getting community to understand the true poverty meaning instead of hitherto addressing its surface going by symptoms as the meaning so that development could be in grater to end the manmade social and economic crises. With this in mind, we call on cross section of society to understand why human right awareness must advance from words to deeds in line with the UN Declaration 30/43: the Basic Principles on Redress for victims of crime and abuse of power. .