Invest in Africa
Invest in Africa (IIA) is a not-for-profit organisation with the vision to create prospering African economies. When Invest in Africa (IIA) was created in 2012, our goal was to coordinate the private sector's desire to source locally, build capacity and create jobs, so we are proud to announce we passed the milestone of connecting SMEs in Ghana to c.US$154 million worth of deals as of December 2020.
We have also helped SMEs in Ghana access over US$2.1 million worth of financing to grow their business.
Through IIA's African Partner Pool (APP) platform (which connects large business to credible, independently validated small local businesses) many small local businesses have won new contracts with new business partners.
What we do in partnership with leading companies from across the continent
IIA does three main things:
1.Connects multinationals and larger businesses to credible local suppliers (SMEs);
2.Improves these SMEs access to skills, contracts and finance to build long term capacity; and
3.Helps improve the investment climate and quality of policy discussions in the country.
Who we are
We are a collaboration of private companies, public bodies and donor organisations that support local African businesses by creating access to markets, skills and finance.