Acacia Health Insurance Limited
Acacia Health Insurance started as a Private Health Insurance Scheme in 2012. It began as a mutual health scheme but became fully commercialized in 2015.
It is currently the number one health insurance provider in Ghana and was adjudged the fastest growing health insurance scheme in Ghana in 2016 by the Global Banking and Finance Awards in UK.
Acacia Health Insurance offers a comprehensive medical care package to members, which include among others, hospital consultations, surgeries, dental care, prescribed drugs and optical care.
With a wide coverage of Health Service Providers numbering over 500 spreads over 10 regions of Ghana, we make it possible for members to meet every facet of health care, providing our clients the opportunity to live healthier and more productive lives.
Acacia Health Insurance, the preferred Private Health Insurance Company in Ghana offers an unparalleled client service to our members and our efforts are directed at exceeding clients’ expectations by offering practical and outstanding health solutions.