Bartal Ghana
Welcome to the home of Bartal Ghana and the Multifeed Family! Multifeed is Bartal\'s award-wining highest quality, unprecedented Fish Feed! ~ Our recipe is our pride and joy, manufacturerd in our sophisticated, high-tech manufacturing facility the Zemach Feed mill in the Jordan Valley - the largest producer of fish feed in Israel! Our feed is perfectly formulated; moreover, specifically designed for the West African aqua-habitat: a favourite fish flavour for tilapia and catfish, exhibiting extraordinary results! Welcome, Friends, to Multifeed unto a most exciting experience in fish-farming mania! VISION: Via our optimally nutritional and balanced organic Multifeed for your fish, coupled with our unprecedented training in developing your aquaculture enterprise, our Bartal experts are committed to mentoring our fish farmers throughout Ghana and West Africa to become more professional, profitable, successful and sustainable, increasing their revenues and standard of living substantially, one healthy fish at a time . .
. MISSION: Our exclusive factory in the Jordan Valley produces and supplies only the highest performance fish feed to produce the happiest, healthiest fish! With our unsurpassed Multifeed , we couple our world class training in aquaculture, providing on-site workshops in the hinterlands to ensure optimal success for all of our protégés in Ghana, significantly enhancing their profits and the nutritional value of this nation’s favourite fish! .