xvidoes, a popular adult entertainment website, has become a common platform for students to explore their sexual curiosities.
With easy access to explicit content, many students find themselves drawn to xvidoes as a way to satisfy thei…
As an international student, studying overseas may be a thrilling and transformative experience, but it’s not without its difficulties. Learning to live independently in a new nation, frequently distant from the comfortable conveniences of…
Higher education can be a good investment. There are good reasons why so many individuals spend years of their lives and thousands of dollars on higher education despite the fact that it is not cheap.
In this lesson, I will like to shar…
Whatever the reason may be, balancing school and a part-time job as a student is difficult, and all pros and cons should be considered before making this decision. This article, however, will provide you with tips for balancing school and …
Everyone has a different idea of what constitutes a difficult subject. I’m not advocating that all high school students take AP Physics and all college students take advanced organic chemistry. I didn’t take either of those courses, and …
Are you one of those fresh graduates who are puzzled about what to do or where to go next? I’ve been teaching college students for more than two years, so I frequently run into grads who are struggling to decide what career to pursue. Ther…
To pass the physics exam without studying, you must rely primarily on common sense.
I’ll proceed with this topic assuming you have at least 2-4 hours.
Because if you’re looking for this, you probably have that much time. Even if you …
Kumasi as we all know is the capital city of the Ashanti Region. Ashanti being in the southern part of Ghana. It may also surprise you to know that Kumasi has also been known as the center for Ashanti culture.
In this post I will like t…
This includes countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and USA.
Your ability to listen, read, write and speak in English will be assessed during the test. IELTS is graded on a scale of 1-9.
IELTS is jointly owned by t…
This is a life transforming book, developed with the intention of pointing the way to career success and personal improvement.
It’s a true account of the author’s experience and lessons learnt out of those experience.
Listing and exp…
his is a 5 days training design for people who want to improve the lives of students and also make money from home using online courses. It has been divided into five lessons with each lesson being covered in a day.
The following are th…
Christmas season is here again and the air is charged. Generally, the season begins around the beginning of December, though some people begin to decorate or engage in these festivities earlier.
Christmas is part of the December global …
December global holidays is one of the most celebrated holidays by people all over the world.
Unquestionably, the month December itself is the happiest month of the year. It is a month set apart by all sorts of occasions celebrated thro…
School holiday can be one of the most difficult times especially for working parents. This is because it is often hard and even expensive balancing work with childcare during this season.
Even if you are home, keeping children entertain…
Now that schools are reopen, how are your kids coping? Have you notice a change in their studies?
I understand. That is what we call brain drain.
You see, when kids stay away from school or learning for a long time, they turn to fo…
Whatever situation parents and carers are in, it is possible that at some point in the near future they may have to consider home tutoring the children in their care.
Home education was increasing before COVID-19, so there was plenty of…
A private tutor provides one-on-one instruction to help students achieve their academic or personal learning goals.
They work with students on specific subjects, especially the ones they’re struggling with, or to prepare for exams.
In …
A private tutor provides one-on-one instruction to help students achieve their academic or personal learning goals.
They work with students on specific subjects, especially the ones they’re struggling with, or to prepare for exams.
Today I will like to talk to you about why online tuition can be cheaper than face to face learning.
Since the onset of novel coronavirus, the whole world has undergone a revolution, and the earlier we respond to the changes that are ha…
For us as educators, March 2020 will forever be known as the month when almost all the world’s schools shut their doors.
On March 1, six governments instituted nationwide school closures due to the deadly coronavirus pandemic and by the…
Today I will like to talk to you about why online tuition can be cheaper than face to face learning.
Since the onset of novel coronavirus, the whole world has undergone a revolution, and the earlier we respond to the changes that are h…
Since the onset of the novel coronavirus, all sectors of our economy have been affected.
Talk of education, health, industry and even religion.
This is why many have referred to this era as the new normal.
What this means is th…
Online tutoring is gaining popularity these days since the onset of COVID 19 (coronavirus).
With most families and tutors now entering self-isolation and many schools closed down, online tutoring has become the new norm of the day.
Post COVID, tuition operators who embrace online classes successfully will not be limited by space, rental costs and could open themselves to new markets far beyond their countries.
For online classes, so much time could be saved for bo…
Coronavirus (COVID 19) is changing the face of education today. Whiles millions around the world have been affected; many more are looking into the opportunities this could bring even after the pandemic is over.
Today I will l…
Coronavirus (Covid-19) has impacted our entire education system.
Governments in many countries not long ago announced the closure of all schools. This has impacted millions of students worldwide.
While school closures will help in ke…
To teach a child to write may seems simple. Writing may seem like a small part of learning, but it can affect your child’s ability to express ideas.
To teach a child to write
In preschool, majority of kids avoid writing like a plague…
We typically teach spelling by having kids write their words several times. We teach lots of subjects by having the child fill out a workbook page to see what they remember.
We give tests where they are asked to write things down. Even …
Since you were successful in grabbing the grade you so wanted. Also, you and your parents believe that the result so rightfully was reflexive of your talent, you are literally on top of the world and feeling invincible. You have got yourse…
To read is something that is important to both kids and adults.
And it can be developed at any age.
However for kids, majority don’t start reading until around 6 years old.
This is not to say that you should wait till your child i…
Teaching is not merely a profession. Rather, it’s a way of life. From conventional classroom teaching to the emergence of online professional writing services, the world has witnessed a remarkable evolution in education over the years. It …
Are you an exams candidate? Do you have exams just at the corner and are worried because you feel you are not prepared? If so, you are not alone.
Many students who are preparing for exams especially after coronavirus loc…
Do you have exams just at the corner and are worried because you feel you are not prepared? If so, you are not alone.
(Check this out: https://www.excellenthomeclasses.com/looking-for-a-tutor/)
Many students who are preparing for ex…
Examination is here again. By this time, most people around the world are aware that we are living in challenging times. Due to COVID 19 and it impact on the economy, it is normal for people to be anxious.
If this has had an impact on y…
By this time, most people around the world are aware that we are living in challenging times. Due to COVID 19 and it impact on the economy, it is normal for people to be anxious.
If this has had an impact on you and how you are feeling …
Math is a subject that has extreme feelings of students associated with it. Either there are students who love mathematics a lot or there are some who completely hate it, especially when they try again and again but they don’t achieve vict…
Most kids in Ghana in few days’ time will be going back to school. During time, man of such kids will be going through mix of emotions .
Easing back after the holidays can range from feeling really excited and eager to concern, fear or an…
Experts say that the return to school would be gradual, rather than a wholesale lifting of the lockdown.
But at the same time, few are worried whether or not to send their kids back to school even for a number of days.
We are going …
It is quite true that things are difficult for both parents and children during this pandemic.
The reopening of schools is no doubt an important and a hopefully welcome step, but as parents I am sure you may have lots of questions that …
The closed of schools due to novel coronavirus has cause problems as many school system around the world are struggling to educate students.
back to school
Some go by giving them work packets; others shifting to online lessons and …
Most schools around the world are starting to reopen for students to come in and study. This is crucial especially for those kids who are preparing for examinations.
To most parents, this has caused a lot of worry especially knowing tha…
Because of COVID 19 and it crises, many parents today are considering home tuition as a way of supporting kids from home especially in this times that most schools are still closed.
Many parents are looking for In-home tuition that is w…
In these past few months, the novel coronavirus has changed the world. It is not only pushing us into a new era, but it is also forcing us to recognize that a new era has already begun.
This new era — driven by the digital revolution— h…
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, many schools around the world have been forced to close down. This has forced many to move out and find ways to teach kids online [1].
Online learning has become a popular choice because of the flexi…
Math is a big challenge for most people, especially for kids who don’t have any interest in the subject.
Even though it is difficult, as long as you know where to get help this shouldn’t be a problem. Most of the time, tutors are hired …
In recent times since the outbreak of the novel coronalvirus, many people are relying on video conferencing tools like Google Meet, Skype and Whatsapp to stay connected while remaining at home.
One of these teleconferencing tools that h…
Teaching students online has become very important.
During this period of uncertainty surrounding novel coronavirus (COVID-19), most teachers’ top priority is to be safe, prevent themselves from getting infected and at the same time con…
During this season of coronavirus that most schools are closed and the world health organization (WHO) together with governments are advocating for social distancing, many people especially parents all over the world are shifting to online…
This fear has taken an emotional toll especially on people who are aged and for those who are already living with anxiety disorders.
Of course it is a new virus, which means that no one has immunity, and there is no vaccine.
It is ca…
Social distancing or physical distancing is defined by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention as allowing a physical distance of about 6 feet between one another.
The objective of social distancing is to reduce the probability of…