Nana Brempong made these observations in an interview with the Ghanaian Times on Ghana’s development trajectory, nationalism, leadership and the education policy on the sidelines of an event for Gold Fields Ghana Foundation to award scholarships to 75 students within the Damang mine catchment areas, last Tuesday at Kyekyewere.
“After independence, we had the seven-year development plan that we know could show us the direction of our development agenda especially the education sector. Today, one group comes and goes, and another party comes with his own manifestoes and ideas.
“Clearly, we need a national consensus on our national development agenda, as to what we want to do today, and for the future, say from seven to 15 years. But, always adhocism and we are still lagging behind.” he stressed.Nana Brempong, a young pioneer, told the Ghanaian Times that, the lack of consensus within the legislature was due to the partisanship and politics in national discourse, but, added that “Our politics must be for the love of the country.”
“Today, we do not want to sacrifice because greed had taken over the body- politic. It should be the nation first, for the love of God and country.That should drive our blueprint. Yes, manifestoes are good, but, they should reflect our national character.” he added.
On education, he suggested that tertiary institution like the University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa (UMaT), should consider a policy whereby the cut-off points of aggregates should be at least 25-28 to enable students in underprivileged areas gain admissions and also play a role in national development.
He noted that students from the preparatory schools were prepared for examinations and gained good aggregates, but, however, added that sometimes the underprivileged performed better at the university.
Nana Brempong explained “I am not suggesting laxity for the rural environment but, after taking along -term view, I believed that we have the opportunity to tap into the talents and skills of the underprivileged, ensure inclusiveness and push them up. We need a balance between the well-endowed and schools and the basic schools.”
Saying that the basic schools had the professional hands, he called for strict and regular supervision to ensure discipline, check lateness and improve teaching and learning, especially in the rural communities.
He, however, told the Ghanaian Times that chiefs had a role to play to ensure improvement in the education sector, adding, “earlier we had the ‘home and school’ policy and we must be up and doing in this direction.”
Nana Brempong, a Catholic, also called for the revival of religious and moral studies because he believed that it mould the character of students and prepared them for future leadership roles in national development and even in their societies.
He argued that the wholesale copying of policies from elsewhere in the name of human rights was not the best way for the country.
“Education is the training of the mind and character and we should have our own home grown policies to drive our development, needs and aspirations,” he said.
Nana Brempong advised the scholarship beneficiaries to study hard, get good classes and become good ambassadors for Gold Fields Damang Mines and also make the communities proud.