Stop Coronavirus Ghana has partnered with Jeanie JQ to launch a Free Locally Made Mask Against COVID -19 Drive. Jeanie JQ is a fashion accessory brand led by Jeanette Quashie, the creative director. Jeanette has always been passionate about helping the underprivileged through various charity events. As part of the activities in the fight against COVID19 in Ghana, the collaboration with Stop Coronavirus Ghana is to use local fabrics to manufacture and distribute free non medical masks to the vulnerable in society to help reduce the spread of COVID19.
It is believed that partial protection is better than no protection.
Jeanie JQ believes this should be a collaborative effort and has team led a group of fashion designers during the lock-down working from home to support the initiative. Over the next few days, we will be distributing our first 1,500 free locally made masks produced by the team led by Jeanie JQ to donate these masks to the vulnerable in various communities. The brand has received some support from family and friends to this effect.
“We at Stop Coronavirus Ghana, are excited about this initiative and kind gesture because we believe that through this effort the spread of the virus can be reduced. Research has shown significant reduction in the spread of the virus in some COVID19 affected countries in Asia and Europe where the whole population wore homemade masks. It served as a barrier between infected and uninfected people from breathing in the virus readily
Clearly – I protect you, you protect me. “
We are hopeful that we should be able to announce more distribution channels in the coming days. To make a donation to support this initiative please send funds to MTN MOMO 0558666520(Jeanie Fashion) .
Thank you & God Bless!
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Stephen Gyasi-Kwaw
Stop Coronavirus Ghana
Campaign Coordinator