One million girls in the Greater Accra, Ashanti, Northern, Upper West and Eastern regions are to benefit from a five-year project that will empower them to fight against child marriage, sexual violence and commercial exploitation.
Under the project, the girls will be given increased access to vocational and technical education and also be exposed to economic opportunities.
The Girls Advocacy Alliance (GAA) project is to be executed jointly by Plan International, Defence for Children International and the Ghana NGO Coalition on the Rights of the Child.
It is to be implemented in collaboration with the GAA of The Netherlands, with funding from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Situation of gender-based violence
Giving an overview of the current situation of gender-based violence (GBV) in the country at a media forum in Accra, the GAA Project Manager, Mrs Anna N. Nabere, said adolescents and young women in particular experienced abuse in the form of violence, rape and sexual assault and exploitation at home, in school and at the workplace.
She said marriage under 18 years had increased, particularly in the Western, Central and the three northern regions.
Besides, she said forced and exchange marriages existed in the Northern Region and cited the persistence of adverse cultural norms, practices and traditions which were to the detriment of most girls.
Five regions to benefit from girls’ project
Mrs Nabere said chiefs, queenmothers and religious leaders would be encouraged to promote values against GBV, including child marriage and sexual violence against girls.
Besides, she said the organisations would ensure the effective implementation of legislation, such as the Domestic Violence Act, the Children's Act, as well as the Child and Family Welfare Policy.
Some accomplishments
She said the organisations were working towards getting the National House of Chiefs to speak out against GBV and harmful practices.
They were also getting the Muslim Council to publicly denounce child marriage and affirm the force of national laws.
She indicated that the organisations were trying to engage chiefs in using their own avenues to sanction persons involved in GBV.
Outstanding issues
Mrs Nabere called for the establishment of an inter-ministerial coordination body chaired by the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection and with the participation of the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit of the Ghana Police Service.
She said the coordination body should agree on a plan of action on the reduction of child marriage, sexual violence and abuse against children and the implementation of legislation and policies on child welfare.