Oprah Winfrey still doesn’t have the presidency in her DNA.
In a 60 Minutes Overtime segment previewed today on CBS This Morning, Winfrey repeats the “not in my DNA” line she used in an interview with InStyle magazine published last month.
“I am actually humbled by the fact that people think that I could be a leader of the free world, but it’s just not in my spirit,” Winfrey tells 60 Minutes Overtime correspondent Ann Silvio. “It’s not in my DNA.”
Winfrey said the same thing to InStyle even before her well-received Golden Globes speech about the #MeToo movement that amped up much of the Oprah 2020 chatter (the magazine interview was conducted before, but published after, the Globes speech).
Although the topic has long since trampled onto “Generalísimo Francisco Franco is still dead” territory, Winfrey addressed the rumors in the Overtime segment that accompanies her 60 Minutes piece Sunday about America’s political divide. Even Winfrey seemed surprised by Silvio’s seeming lack of awareness about her non-running.
“Did you miss that?” Winfrey says when Silvio asks whether she’s announced a decision.
For Sunday’s episode, Winfrey re-gathers the same 14 people — half of them Trump supporters, the other half not — she interviewed in September to talk politics and their presidential choices.
Winfrey tells Overtime she was “stunned” by the reaction to her Globes speech and says she had not intended it as a testing of the political waters.
“I was just trying to give a good speech,” she says. “I was looking for a way to express what was going on in this moment in terms of gender and class and race. I cared about landing that speech in the room.”
Although she says she had “a lot of wealthy men calling” to offer campaign advice and financial support, Winfrey says she did not hear from the most important voice.
And she didn’t mean Obama.
If God wanted her to run, she says, “wouldn’t God kinda tell me? And I haven’t heard that.”
So she’s not running. Seriously. She’s not running. Watch the video above.