Mr Eric Opoku, Deputy Brong Ahafo Regional Minister on Thursday told regional members of the Association of Road Contactors (ASROC) to deliver quality service to justify the use of the tax-payer's money.
He said if projects were well executed the populace would derive the maximum benefit since it would contribute to poverty alleviation and accelerate progress in other sectors of the economy.
Mr Opoku was responding to concerns raised during a meeting with the contractors on how they could work with government to make a positive impact on the economy.
The Deputy Regional Minister noted that the practice where some contractors were awarded many contracts whilst others had none did not augur well for the economy and gave the assurance that contracts would be fairly awarded.
Mr Opoku said efforts were being made by the government to streamline the bureaucracies and bottlenecks involved in the issuing of certificates to contractors to enable them to perform better.
Mr Amin Baba Kasim Nuhu, Brong Ahafo Regional Director of Ghana Highways Authority (GHA) reminded the contractors of the effects of low bidding on their respective businesses.
He noted that in their hurry to win contracts, some contractors underestimated the real value including the profit margin of some projects.
Mr Nuhu explained that such a move only increased their indebtedness to the banks and urged them to better estimate the cost of a project for the right bidding to be done.
The contractors appealed to the government to be considerate with contractors resident in the region when awarding contracts.