General Accidents

Professional Indemnity
Under the professional indemnity policy, the Company agrees to indemnify the assured up to but not exceeding in the aggregate limits stated in the schedule for any sum or sums which the assured may become legally liable to pay arising from any negligent acts, errors or omissions occurring during the period of insurance specified as a direct result of the professional conduct of their business. This policy is more suitable for professionals like doctors, lawyers and accountants.
Fidelity Guarantee
Due to possible infidelity or fraudulent acts of some employees, Star Assurance provides the Fidelity Guarantee policy, that reimburses the Employer (insured) all such direct pecuniary loss sustained by the Employer by all acts of fraud or dishonesty committed by any of the employed staff.
The act must be in connection with his occupation and be discovered during the period of indemnity or within six months thereafter or within six months after the termination of such employment whichever shall happen first.
Bankers Indemnity
This policy provides cover to the Insured against all such losses sustained or discovered by the insured during the period of insurance as follows;
Goods In Transit
We offer Goods-In-Transit policy which simply provides indemnity to the insured against loss or damage to the insured goods while they are being transported from one location to the other, normally within the country.
Cash In Transit
The Cash-In-Transit policy indemnifies the insured against accidental loss or damage to the insured's cash, bank and currency notes, cheques, postal orders, etc while in transit from one specified location to the other. Cash-Hold policy is effective when the insured’s cash is being held up in the business premises.
Cash-in-Safe cover provides indemnity against damage or loss to the insured’s cash while they are being kept in safe at the insured’s location.
Personal / Group Accident
Personal accident and Group Personal Accident policies are designed to compensate the insured against bodily injury loss of limb or limbs, loss of eye or eyes, permanent total disablement, temporary total disablement, medical expenses and death.
Burglary and Housebreaking
Our Burglary policy covers loss or damage to the subject matter such as stocks and contents as a result of forcible and violent entry into or exit from the premises.