Why two attorneys need to be part of your wedding plan.
In this series of conversations, Maya speaks to Andrea Carr about her experience of getting divorced which has led Andrea to question many of the decisions she made as a woman, as a mother, and as wife, when it came to her finances.
It made her realise the importance of taking care of herself, and not only her family. Andrea’s experience is true even if you are in a relationship for life – at some point statistically, as a woman, you will be on your own.
In this episode we speak to Beverley Clark, a leading attorney and specialist in family law about marriage contracts and finding financial equity in marriage, especially when one parent takes on the responsibility of raising children.
"Conversations every woman should have" is a four-episode podcast series. Look out for the rest of this series of podcasts, in which we will be speaking to a financial planner, a fiduciary expert, and a relationship therapist.