The Health Services Workers Union (HSWU) of the Trades Union Congress (TUC), has congratulated Professor A. B. Akosa, Director General of the Ghana Health Service (GHS) on his election as President of the Commonwealth Medical Association (CMA) at its 20th Triennial conference held in Ghana recently.
A release signed by the Deputy General Secretary of the Union, Mr Abu D. Kuntulo, said on Saturday that the Union was particularly delighted that this prestigious honour bestowed on Professor Akosa at this time of the country's history when he had been spearheading the "new-born health service into a full-fledged health care delivery institution".
The Union said it recalled with deep appreciation when as a former President of the Ghana Medical Association (GMA), he zealously carried out the Association's vigorous anti-HIV-AIDS nation-wide campaign against the disease as his contribution to check the spread of the pandemic.
The release said the Union was again satisfied with the dynamism with which Professor Akosa had been tackling the successful take-off of the new Health Service.
" It is therefore, out fervent hope that your new elevation in the Commonwealth scene will enable you to draw more experiences from your well-tested colleagues in the health sector towards the over-all achievement of Ghana's goals in excellent health delivery. We also re-assure you of active support and cooperation towards the rapid growth of the GHS worthy of emulation", the Union said.