The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors has approved the Bank's new policy on access to information after extensive external and internal consultations held in 33 countries and through the Bank's external website.
The Policy reflects the views of member countries, civil society organizations, academia, parliamentarians, media, the private sector,
international organizations, donor agencies and Bank staff, a release from the Accra Office of the Bank said at the weekend.
The new policy represents a fundamental shift in the Bank's approach to disclosure of information - moving from an approach that spells out what documents it can disclose to one under which the Bank will disclose any information in its possession that is not on a list of exceptions. The policy statement will be finalized in December 2009 and become effective on July 1, 2010. A progress report will be presented to the Board by the end of 2011.
"This paradigm shift underscores the Bank's commitment to transparency nd accountability and recognizes their fundamental importance to
development and to achieving the Bank's mission of overcoming poverty and improving development effectiveness," said World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick.
He said he was personally grateful to all of the civil society organizations, government officials and citizens of member countries of the
Bank, who contributed their ideas and erspectives as it developed this new policy through a global consultation process.
Mr Zoellick said: "We have collectively come up with a policy that is in line with international best practice and opens up the development process by fostering public ownership, partnership, and participation in World Bank-supported operations from a wide range of stakeholders."
The release said the policy on access to information provides for the disclosure of more information than ever before - on projects under
preparation, projects under implementation, analytic and advisory activities (AAA) and Board proceedings adding that information would be easily accessible on the World Bank's external website and available through the InfoShop, public information centres, and the World Bank Group Archives.
At the same time, the policy strikes a balance between maximum access to information and respect for the confidentiality of information pertaining to its clients, shareholders, employees, and other parties.
Recognizing that the sensitivity of some information declines over time, the policy provides for the eventual declassification and disclosure of restricted information over a period of five, 10 or 20 years, depending
upon information type.
Jeff Gutman, Vice President, Operations Policy and Country Services Vice Presidency, said: "Openness promotes inclusiveness, engagement with
stakeholders and public oversight of Bank-supported operations, adding;
"this in turn will strengthen participation in the design and implementation of projects and policies and improve development outcomes".
The new policy includes clear procedures for responding to requests for information, as well as an appeals mechanism for requesters, who believe that the Bank has unreasonably denied access to information that should be publicly available. This appeals mechanism includes review by an independent body consisting of international experts.
The release said over the next several months, the Bank would put in place measures that would enable effective and efficient implementation of the new access to information policy.
Such measures would include staff training; improving information management and technology systems; developing an effective document tracking system; strengthening the Archives Unit, the InfoShop and the public
information function in country offices and establishing associated service standards.
The final policy statement incorporating comments from the Board will be issued in December 2009, the release said.
Over the past 15 years, the Bank's policy on information disclosure has evolved in response to changes in the Bank's business, the growing
expectations of stakeholders, and the Bank's continued commitment to enhancing transparency about its operations. The Executive Directors and
Bank Management have periodically reviewed the policy and expanded its scope: for example, in 1993, 2001, and 2005.