Participants at a public forum held on Wednesday in Bolgatanga has issued a communiqué calling on the government to ensure that the Northern Rural Growth Programme (NRGP) was effectively
implemented to benefit peasant farmers.
The forum was to create awareness on the NRGP, launched by Vice President John Dramani Mahama, to be implemented in the three northern
regions and parts of Brong Ahafo Region.
It is aimed at achieving sustainable agricultural and food security for
the rural poor especially those dependent on marginal lands, rural women and the poor.
The specific objective of the programme is to develop inclusive and remunerative commodity and food chains to generate agricultural surplus
production and orient it towards remunerative markets in southern markets and abroad.
The Communiqué, whilst commending the government, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Africa Development Bank, stated that there were many interventions aimed at increasing and boosting agriculture
production to reduce poverty but were mostly mismanaged and exploited by government officials.
These interventions, the communiqué noted, includes the Upper East Agriculture Development Programme, Agriculture Sector Improvement Programme, Village Infrastructural Programme, Land Conservation and Small Holder Rehabilitation Projects.
It said purpose for establishing those projects were not in the region and that if those interventions were judiciously utilized and not misapplied and mismanaged, the development of the region would have seen some level of
The Communiqué therefore appealed to the Government to adopt a pragmatic mechanism for monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of NRGP to ensure that it achieves the purpose for which it was set up.
It advocated for the timely release of farm inputs and credit facilities to enable farmers to undertake their farming activities at the
right time as regards the weather.
The communiqué stated that farmers would ensure that farming activities became a major business and devoted much attention to food production.
Mr. Richard Ananga, Focal Person of GTLC, said his outfit recognized the important role of farmers and producers and had been giving support in the form of advocacy to influence government on policies and programmes
affecting farmers.
He said one of the roles of GTLC was to work towards the removal of barriers that hindered increased and sustainable food production.
The Programme was organized by Trade Aid International and funded by the Ghana Trade and Livelihood Coalition (GTLC) both non-governmental
organizations working to promote the activities of farmers and producers to sustain their livelihood.