The US on Tuesday congratulated Professor John Evans Atta Mills on his victory in the Presidential race.
"We commend the Ghanaian people on their resolve and deep commitment to the democratic process demonstrated in their participation in their nation's presidential and parliamentary elections," a statement by Mr. Sean Mccormack, Spokesman for the State Department, said.
He said: "These elections, pronounced free, fair and credible by a wide range of international and domestic observers, have proven Ghana has truly taken its place among the community of democracies."
The US also commended the Electoral Commission for its "dedication, perseverance and professionalism in conducting these elections in a fair and impartial manner".
"Once the Ghanaian Electoral Commission announced the results, both sides accepted them and began working on a peaceful and smooth transition of power," Mr. Mccormack said.
He said the US and Ghana continued to enjoy a close friendship based on a shared commitment to democracy and the rule of law.
"Once again Ghana has shown itself to be a beacon of stability and peace in Africa."
He said the US would be sending a delegation, led by Peace Corps Director Ronald Tschetter, to Professor Mills' inauguration on Wednesday January 7.
Mr Mccormack said the US was looking forward to deepening relationship with Ghanaians and working closely with Professor Atta Mills' administration as he worked to unify the nation and build consensus and confidence in established institutions to serve all Ghanaians.