Broadcaster Dan Kweku Yeboah has resigned from his role as the spokesperson of the Normalisation Committee (NC) of the Ghana Football Association (GFA).
Kweku Yeboah confirmed to Graphic Online that he tended in his resignation last Friday but said he would keep his reasons for doing so private.
When pressed further, he hinted that a lack of public support and leadership concerns may have contributed to his resignation.
"For some reasons, I don't want to speak for now but obviously if you look at the public support and acceptability of the Normalisation Committee it is not what it used to be when we were first appointed and this means that there is something wrong with the leadership of the Normalisation Committee".
Salary controversy
Kweku Yeboah said he was officially appointed as spokesperson of the NC in September 2018 but received his first paycheck of $5,000 in February 2019. He told Graphic Online that he was later informed that the accounts section had made mistake in the calculation as some deductions had to be made from the sum.
He said for the remaining months till July 2019 he was paid GHS 4,200 per month. He said he has not yet been paid for August.
The Peace FM broadcaster said his widows' mite to the NC during his tenure was the drafting of a media and CSR policy as well as the creation of a website for the Ghana Premier League.
"The media and CSR policy which I drafted is subject to validation by Congress. I wrote a proposal to the NC about why a website was needed for the local league and subsequently I created one for the Normalisation Committee Special Committee.
"After the competition and as the NC is about to handover, I changed the domain name to The NC leadership said I would be paid for creating the website which I paid for from my own pocket".