Mr. Shi Ting Wang, the Chinese Ambassador, has stated that the majority of Chinese including; Hong Kong citizens, did not support the current protests in Hong Kong.
"The problem of the protests in Hong Kong, is the result of a few misled people in Hong Kong, and manipulation by the western media," the Chinese Ambassador noted.
At a News conference in Tema, he said it was unfortunate that while therewere other sides to what was happening in Hong Kong that needed to be reported on, in order to paint a fair and true picture of the entire situation, the western media, appeared to be bent on taking advantage of the protests to portray the Chinese government negatively to theinternational community.
Mr Shi Ting Wang said the protests were mainly over a misunderstanding concerning a proposal by the Hong Kong government for the amendment of the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance, and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance.
He said this was the result of a Hong Kong resident, Chen Tongjia, who allegedly murdered his girlfriend in Taiwan, and fled back to Hong Kong in February, 2018.
Hong Kong had no jurisdiction over the case, and in order to transfer the suspect to Taiwan for trial, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(SAR) government, proposedamendments to the above mentioned ordinances, the Chinese Ambassador said.
He said so far, the Hong Kong government had not signed any deals withChina's mainland, Macao or Taiwan, on the transfer of fugitives and legal assistance in criminal matters.
Mr. Shi Ting Wang said by amending the ordinances, the SAR government inHong Kong only sought cooperation with China's main land, Macao and Taiwan, on improving the delivery of justice.
He said Hong Kong had already signed agreements with 20 countries on the transfer of fugitives, and treaties with 32 countries on mutual legalassistance in criminal matters and the transfer of fugitives.
"This arrangement would thus not affect Hong Kong's judicial independence at all. It will rather prevent safe havens for criminals," the Chinese Ambassador said.
He said because a number of people did not understand the proposed amendment, some others with malicious intentions, decided to manipulate others because of their ignorance into achieving their own evil ends.
"Some people and media, with malicious intentions, started fear mongeringcampaigns to stoke panic and block the bill's passage in the Legislative Council.
The Chinese Ambassador continued, "The SAR government of Hong Kong, decided on June 15, to suspend its work on the amendment bill, following the current situation, and the central Chinese government respects that decision,"
Mr. Shi Ting Wang recalled that whilst Hong Kong had been an inalienable part of China, the British invaded China and occupied Hong Kong for a long time several years ago, making the region a British colony. He said on December 19, 1984, a declaration between the government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Hong Kong was signed, which decided that China would resume sovereignty over Hong Kong from July 1, 1997.
Hong Kong people were thus to rule Hong Kong with a high degree ofautonomy, with China retaining sovereignty over Hong Kong.
The Chinese Ambassador said it would be highly appreciated if the western media, stopped interfering negatively in the current happenings in Hong Kong with regards to on-going demonstrations.
He said the situation was being resolved internally, adding that he was ofthe firm believe that the authorities in Hong Kong would duly resolve the misunderstanding.
A cross section of the Chinese community in Ghana, gathered before the News conference amidst speeches and slogans, in support of unity in China.