Many individuals and governments struggle every day to make the world a peaceful place to live in. Peace is a state of security and calmness in the absence of war where everything coexists in perfect harmony and freedom. Due to the immense importance of peace, some organizations are involved in this course, one of which is the African Centre for Peace Building.
African Centre for Peace Building (AFCOPB) is a non-governmental organization that seeks to develop and promote sustainable peace in Africa. It was founded in 2009 and is based in Accra-Ghana in West Africa. The organization’s work is focused on peace education, conflict prevention, youth development, promotion of human rights, health, education, women's empowerment, and poverty alleviation.
One main reason for the absence of peace is the proliferation of unequal relationships. This means that wherever there is oppression, the oppressed are liable to resort to violence as a way of redeeming themselves. Some reasons for oppression include ambition, pride, cruelty, and economic interests. But peace has been proven to be the answer to violence and equity is the condition for lasting peace.
With this knowledge, the African Centre for Peace Building (AFCOPB) seeks to instill a culture of peace in Africa by ensuring equity and justice, and respect for human rights. The organization is also involved with capacity building in peace, advocacy, research, and documentation, as well as the promotion of health and agriculture in Africa.
Indeed, peace matters in all life endeavours. It is a sure way out of violence into a new, brighter future for the human race. Therefore, everybody is important in this critical course- to fight for a peaceful, and better world.
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