The paramount chief of Buipe traditional area in the Central Gonja District of the Savannah Region, Buipewura Abdulai Jinapor II, is appealing to government and its agents to urgently come to the aid of residents of Buipe whose homes have been flooded by water from the Black Volta.
His call comes after water from the river divided the Buipe township into two, flooding some and displacing 171 households.
Buipewura Jinapor II said if the situation is not addressed immediately, more homes will be affected as the water continue to rise.
Community members say the flooding is a result of spillage by the Bui Power Authority.
The water from the Black Volta has divided the Buipe town into two, flooding homes, schools and workplaces including cattle ranches.
Some 171 households have been affected in the town and more are affected daily as the volume of water entering the community rises by the day.
Buipewura Abdulai Jinapor II after visiting the affected areas called on government, the Bui Power Authority and philanthropists to come to the aid of the town.
He said the affected area is the business hub of the town and that urgent steps should be taken to address the challenge.
“We are appealing to the government and the Bui Power Authority to come and save our schools, we are really in distress. Buipe bridge is the economic hub of the town, children can’t go to school and people can’t get to their workplaces.”
Residents within the affected areas have resorted to canoes from and to their homes.
They say the situation is making life unbearable.
“My shop is over there. I sell building materials and for days now no one can get to my shop. We have to use these canoes to go and come,” a resident told Citi News.