Vice Admiral Seth Amoama, Chief of Defence Staff, Ghana Armed Forces (GAF), says gender mainstreaming will create an environment where opportunities and responsibilities are equitably distributed.
"I look forward to the day when decision makers at all levels will not see the strength of our Armed Forces only in male members, where male soldiers do not perceive their female counterparts as a burden and where females do not see themselves as weak and only in to support the men," he said.
Vice Admiral Amoama said this on Wednesday in Accra at a maiden training programme dubbed: "Gender Advisers Cadre," in the GAF.
The two-day programme on the theme: "Guaranteeing Equal Opportunities in the GAF," brought together all Gender Advisers in the Armed Forces across the country to be equipped on the importance of gender issues.
Ghana as a member of the international community, ratified several treaties and conventions which demand the country to ensure total inclusivity of men and women in all activities.
Vice Admiral Amoama supported the assertion made by the Lieutenant General Obed Boamah Akwa (Rtd), that "Enhanced gender mainstreaming today is not just right for the day, but also a better Armed Forces for tomorrow and all times".
He said irrespective of one's gender, every individual had potential capabilities which needed to be properly harnessed and integrated for a balanced development in any society.
He urged the participants to take full advantage of the programme to function effectively in their respective services, formations and departments.
"I urged you to read yourself into the nuisances of gender mainstreaming and train your respective Gender Focal Point Officers.
Our personnel must get to a stage where in their daily activities and operations, they are guided by the needs of both males and females and that begins with you our gender advisers," he said.
Naval Captain Veronica Adzo Arhin, the Gender Policy Adviser to the Chief of Defence Staff, said since the Office of the Gender Policy Adviser was created, a number of developments had taken place, including the charter for the Office and a high-level gender conference for the top management of the GAF.
She said a committee was working assiduously to develop a Gender Policy for the GAF to offer opportunities for all.