The Ghana Wildlife Society, in partnership with the Environment Protection (EPA) Agency and other entities, have organised a biodiversity backyard challenge and a webinar to commemorate this year's World Environment Day (WED).
It was organised with support from 'Let's do It! Ghana', HIRED Consult, the Ghana Youth Environmental Movement and Birdlife International, the largest conservation body in the world.
This year's United Nations World Environment Day was celebrated on the theme: "Biodiversity-Time for Nature" on June 5.
WED is celebrated globally on June 5, every year to raise awareness on positive environmental actions to protect nature and garner more support from governments, businesses, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), and communities to promote responsible behaviours towards the environment.
Ms Louisa Kabobah, the Project and Conservation Education Officer of the Ghana Wildlife Society, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency said the backyard challenge, launched on the 23rd of March 2020, aimed at showcasing the diversity of plants and animals that people had at their backyards, gardens or compounds.
The contest which obliged participants to take photos and videos of the diverse plants and animals, and share ideas on the need to protect them, while staying at home received 88 entries from 35 participants with Ms Pavelta Quagraine, emerging as the winner, she said.
For her reward, she would receive a certificate, an international recognition on Birdlife International's website and/or social media accounts, Birds of Ghana field guide, souvenirs from their partners, and a one-month free mentorship by HIRED Consult.
The webinar brought together 60 active participants from government agencies, local and international CSOs, businesses and the youth to discuss pertinent issues to nature such as 'the drivers of biodiversity losses in Ghana and Africa' thus habitat loss, human developments, climate change, and poaching.
They also discussed how to address them especially after COVID-19, and how to get feedback on the need for partnerships between governments, corporate bodies, CSOs, and individuals to advocate better for nature and planet Earth.
Ms Kabobah explaining the importance of biodiversity said nature played crucial roles in the provision of food, water, good climate, shelter, clothing, clean air, recreation, medicines, raw materials, spiritual enlightenment, and livelihood support which were necessary for human well-being and the socio-economic development of every nation.
Despite the numerous benefits that natural resources provide to ensure human survival, she said the actions and inactions of people such as pollution of water bodies, illegal logging, unlawful mining, poaching and being oblivious about the impact of their actions on nature, had contributed to the current ill-state of Ghana's natural resources and loss of its biodiversity.
To reverse the situation, Ms Kabobah said there was the need for people to rethink the way they consumed for businesses to become greener and cleaner and for farmers and manufacturers to produce more sustainably.
She said rethinking the actions and inactions on the environment could enable governments to safeguard reserves and protected areas; help educators to inspire students to live in harmony with the Earth, and enable the youth to become fierce ambassadors of a green future.
"The emergence of COVID-19 has emphasised the fact that, when we destroy biodiversity, we upset the delicate balance of nature, and create ideal conditions for pathogens including coronaviruses to spread.
"Thus, living in harmony with nature can only be achieved if we adopt positive attitudes towards biodiversity and pursue the full implementation of Sustainable Development Goals. We should bear in mind that unified partnership between all actors and stakeholders of the economy can help to sustain the common planet we all call home," she added.
Mrs Sheila N.A. Ashong, the Deputy Director, Natural Resources, EPA, appealed to the public to become responsible towards the environment by planting trees at their backyards.
Mr Kwabena Labi Addo, the National Research Coordinator at Ghana Cement Company Limited, speaking at the Webinar, encouraged businesses in Ghana that use raw materials from nature to have ecosystem balances in their operations and adopt proactive sustainability projects to reflect their commitment to environmental sustainability.
Mr John Aggrey, Chief Executive Officer of HIRED Consult, called on all CSOs to partner in solidarity and coach young minds on the principles of nature.
Ms Quagraine, the winner of the backyard contest shared her motivation for nature and why others must do the same, adding that, "Nature, aside from prayer is a powerful antidepressant! Let's keep it well for our mental health."