Maize Production in the Upper East Region received a boost from a crop area production of 52,688 hectares in 2017 to 131,632 hectares in 2018.
Sorghum production, which is also one of the highest, had a leap from 50,628 hectares in 2017 to 72,010 hectares in 2018, while rice production went up from 43,350 hectares in 2017 to 98,143 hectares last year.
Regional statistics from the Ministry Of Agriculture (MoFA) in Bolgatanga indicated that the region’s production level was 472,467 metric tons in 2018 compared to 413,431 metric tons in 2017.
Mr Timothy Zangina, Regional statistician at the MOFA in an interview in Bolgatanga said the improvement in yields was as result of government support for seeds and farm inputs as well as farmers adherence to agriculture extension officers advise.
Mr Zangina said farmers who took advise from extension services received better yields than farmers who still used their own seeds.The statistics also indicated that Soya beans production declined from 16,329 hectares area production in 2017 to 15,871 hectares in 2018 whilst millet production in 2018 was 44,304 hectares against 40,335 hectares in 2018.
Mr Zangina said the reduction soya bean cultivation was as a result of farmers inability to follow required planting patterns and also because they do not recognize Soya beans as a cash crop.
Mr Charles Nyaaba, Project Officer at the Peasant Farmers Association, who commented on the dynamics of Soya beans and it’s challenges stated that, late harvest and the lack of needed machinery to harvest the crop were partly causes of lots of post-harvest challenges confronting farmers in the area.
He added that harvesting of Soya beans coincides with the time other crops are also due for harvesting and because of the lack of enough labour and harvest equipment, farmers normally pay attention to the other crops also due for harvesting.
He urged government to see the crop’s relevance in poultry feed, oil production and nutritional value for children, and invest more into providing appropriate machinery to boost its production as well as help to guarantee market access for the crop.
Commenting on the positive performance of sorghum, maize and rice, the Project Officer said Sorghum production in the region was receiving such boost because of the availability of ready market.