The Environmental Health and Sanitation Department of Agona West Municipal Assembly has advised the public to observe cholera preventive measures in their areas.
The statement cautioned the residents in the Municipality to keep their environs clean as the rains set in.
This was contained in a statement issued by the Environmental Health and Sanitation and signed by Mr George Freeman, Agona West Municipal Environmental Health and Sanitation Chief and copied to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Agona Swedru in the Central Region.
It advised the residents to dump refuse at the approved dumping site in their various communities.
The statement cautioned members of the public to wash their hands with soap and water after using toilet facilities and before preparing foods or before eating.
It advised them to wash raw fruits and vegetables thoroughly before cooking or eating.
It warned people to avoid shaking hands with unknown persons who might be carrying the disease or germ.
The statement advised food vendors not to sell exposed food products to the public to avoid spreading the disease.
“It is an offence to sell exposed food to the public,” the statement said, and urged the public not to patronize or buy any food that had not been covered or was exposed to flies and dust.
The statement called on the public to eat food that was hot and report all cases of profuse diarrhoea and vomiting to the nearest health centre.