A little over one thousand needy Muslims in the Kumasi Metropolis have benefited from a free food aid supply to support them during the Ramadan fasting period.
Each of the beneficiaries received a bag of rice, oil, beans, sugar and tomatoes.
The food aid donated by Direct Aid, an international non-governmental organization was aimed at easing the burden of the needy Muslims as they join the month-long fasting by all Muslims the world over.
All the recipients were selected from various Zongo communities in the Kumasi metropolis by a team of Muslim opinion leaders so that the system would not be abused by people who did not qualify to take the package.
Most of the beneficiaries were mostly orphans, children, the aged and other people who would have found it very difficult to look for food for the fasting.
The Ashanti Regional Director of Direct Aid, Mr Ismail Abdul-Waris, said it would extend the service to other needy Muslims in hard to reach communities in the region.
He appealed to all Muslims to use the Ramadan period to pray for peace in the country and the rest of the world.
The Headmaster of Ahmed Uwaisi Islamic School, Mr Issah Abubakar, on behalf of the recipients thanked the NGO for the gesture which he said would go a long way to assist them to fulfill the Ramadan peacefully.
He urged all Muslims to maintain their holiness after the Ramadan so they would continue to receive Allah’s blessing at all time.