Research indicates that 2.2 million people in Ghana can be classified as extremely poor hence the introduction of the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) programme.
And the programme is targeted at improving the lot and alleviating poverty among such people.
Ms Otiko Afisah Djaba, the Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, said this at a one day LEAP sensitization workshop for Metropolitan Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCE’s) and Metropolitan Municipal and District Coordinating Directors (MMDCD’s) from the Eastern and Volta regions at Koforidua.
The objective of the workshop was to sensitize district and metropolitan officials as well as municipal chief executives on the programme, to ensure that such key players in the implementation of the programme are kept abreast with all developments.
She said beneficiaries of the LEAP programme would be increased from 213,000 to 456,000 people this year.
This, she said, would ensure that more people living below the poverty line are covered and supported to emerge out of poverty.
Ms Djaba said this year, anybody who has been on the LEAP for over two years and above would be taken off.
She said as part of the new direction of the programme her Ministry has introduced the ‘’Cash Plus’’ where productive beneficiaries would be supported to engage in skills training in various income generating trades.
Mr William Niyuni, the Deputy Director of LEAP at the Gender Ministry, said the suggestions offered by the MMDCE’s and their coordinating directors would be taken into consideration to enhance the implementation of the programme.