Currently, non-degradable waste objects have become a matter of serious concern. Unlike degradable waste, non-degradable waste products are objects that cannot be decomposed by micro-organisms into simpler substances. Examples of such objects include; plastics, glasses, car tyres, metal scraps to mention but a few.
Non-degradable waste objects are said to take million years to decompose. This usually causes environmental pollution when effective measures are not taken to recycle or re-use them.
Recyclate is the raw material of non-degradable waste that is sent to be processed in a waste recycling plant to form new products.
Recycling of non-degradable waste is a process of converting them into re-usable objects to make them environmentally friendly. Also, to prevent waste, recycled products can be reprocessed into new products.
The daily demand and use of plastics call for the need to find possible means to prevent discarded plastics from going waste. Plastic wastes are as a result of patronizing bottled water, drinks, foods, et cetera.
Plastics made from polyethylene terephthalate (beverage bottles, mouth wash bottles, plastic wraps, etc.) and plastics made from high-density polyethylene (milk containers, trash bags, cosmetic sachets, among others) requires categorization before they are recycled.
All plastics need to be washed thoroughly before recycling.
Discarded plastics such as tables, bottles, plates, cups, et cetera, when recycled, can be used to make toys, benches, drainage pipes and car parts.
Also, there is a need to recycle glass objects such as food and beverage containers, lamps, bulbs, mirrors, window panes and bottles.
Research reveals that glass is one hundred percent recyclable without loss in quality. However, the amount of glass that is recycled is not up to fifteen percent.
New glass bottles and jars can be made from recycled glass, among other products.
The increasing vehicular population has given rise to lots of discarded car tyres. Recycled tyres can be used as base for shoes and sandals, flooring, carpet mats, and others. It can also be re-used for creating parking and seating facilities.
Non-degradable objects like metals such as steel and aluminium, can also be recycled.
Recycled metals can be used for car part manufacture, building materials as well as production of fresh product of the same quality.
Benefits derived as a result of recycling non-degradable objects mentioned above, among others, include the reduction of hazardous gases leading to the emission of toxic green-house gases and thereby lessening the demand for energy.
Also, recycling non-degradable objects saves raw materials as well as reduces the number of landfills sites.
The environment will be a better abode when individuals take good care of it and abstain from practices that are potential causes of damage to the environment.