Every day people just like you are using India’s “golden spice” to get a body that looks, feels, and functions better than it has in years. Even today, scientists continue to uncover powerful ways this simple kitchen spice can help you:
Restore the health of your skin, hair and nails
Enhance memory, attention, and mood
Ease the pain and swelling of arthritis
Fight infections and inflammation
Improve gut health
Protect against cancer
Treat and prevent obesity-related diseases
Prevent cataracts
Slow the progression of Alzheimer’s
And much more!
Yet, this list barely scratches the surface of what turmeric can do to protect and heal the body. Of course, you might wonder how a tropical plant as common as turmeric can support your health so powerfully. We did too. So we began digging...
Turns out, the amazing healing effects are derived primarily from its most active and abundant compound, curcumin. And scientists say they now know why curcumin is such a powerful healing compound.
Once metabolized in the body, curcumin inserts itself into your cell’s membrane. There it does a little house-cleaning and reorganizing. This may not seem like a big deal…
But once a cell becomes organized again, it’s able to process information more easily…fight off harmful intruders more readily…and quickly remove dangerous toxins. In fact, your body simply works better—like it did 5, 10, maybe even 15 years ago!
Which means…you could get a younger brain, heart, eyes, gut, joints, and lungs just by adding turmeric to your daily diet.
Truth is, once we pored through the mounds of scientific evidence and finished our research on turmeric, we realized that this is how medicine is supposed to work…and that curcumin may very well be…
One of THE Most Powerful Natural Healing Substances Ever Discovered
Of course, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Going back more than 4,000 years, turmeric has been a treatment of choice in traditional Chinese, Indian, and Ayurveda medicine.1
In China, turmeric was mixed with cinnamon twig and astragalus to effectively treat upper back and shoulder pain.
Ayurvedics inhaled the fumes from burning turmeric to alleviate congestion, used turmeric juice to heal wounds and bruises, and applied a turmeric paste to relieve all sorts of skin conditions.
In India, turmeric has been used traditionally to disinfect surfaces and treat laryngitis, bronchitis, and elevated blood sugar.
But you’re probably wondering the same thing I was. These aren’t exactly the world’s deadliest diseases, so how might turmeric stack up against something bigger, something more debilitating, like…Alzheimer’s!
Interestingly, population studies seem to indicate elderly villagers in India suffer less Alzheimer’s disease compared to their peers in other parts of the world.
See, Alzheimer’s begins as an inflammatory process in the nerve cells of the brain. And Indians eat turmeric with almost every meal…leading researchers to conclude that curcumin’s anti-inflammatory properties are partly responsible for the lower rates of Alzheimer’s.
That’s great news, wouldn’t you agree? Especially if you or someone you know suffers from the overwhelming pain and debilitation that accompanies Alzheimer’s disease.
Yet the healing power of turmeric goes way beyond Alzheimer’s. Hundreds of studies reveal it treats no less that 619 different health concerns.2 Tough health conditions like Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, heart disease—even depression!
And doctors everywhere are now wondering how turmeric compares to some of today’s most popular medications in treating diseases.
Well, for one, turmeric is one of the most studied natural substances ever, going back to 1949. In fact, the amazing health properties of turmeric and its healing compound curcumin are so extensive—there have been 9,487 peer-reviewed articles published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health!3
Which makes turmeric one of the most frequently mentioned medicinal herbs in all of science!
Considering it’s one of the most effective nutritional supplements of our time, people everywhere are scrambling to learn about its amazing health benefits. Which explains why turmeric recently topped the list of rising stars in Google’s 2016 Food Trends report!4
Because of the sheer number of health conditions turmeric is known to treat, many of today’s most renowned doctors now agree…
Curcumin is Like a Pharmacy!
In fact, there seems to be no end to the incredible healing power of turmeric and its star compound curcumin. Scientists are finding an astonishing array of antioxidant, anticancer, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antifungal, and antibacterial properties.
So I’m not exaggerating when I say, compared to conventional medicine…
Turmeric performs as well or better than many of today’s most popular prescription medications! And, WITHOUT the added risk of well-known and dangerous side effects.
Source: http://pages.thealternativedaily.com/cb-theturmerictestamentebk/