An Indian student from Bangalore city in south India, who did MBA from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania early this month, has died in a car accident in the southern American State of Texas where he had gone to meet his friends.
Naresh Naidu was admitted in a hospital in Corpus Christie on Tuesday morning after he and his friends met with an accident that morning.
Naresh, 24, could not sustain injuries and died the next day on May 12. Naresh and his friend Naveen came to Texas State from Pennsylvania to
visit their friend Praduymna, said the Telugus Association of North America (TANA).
Praduymna, who was driving the car, lost control of it and hit an electric pole. Pradyumna and Naveen who were in the front seats got saved
with minor injuries.
Naresh who was in back seat suffered with severe head injuries and was taken to Christus Spohn Hospital.
A team of doctors tried their best to save the life of Narseh but weren't successful, TANA said.
Naresh is survived by parents and one brother.
His father Venkatesh Naidu is a small businessman.
TANA executive vice-president Prasad Thotakura is in touch with local hospital authorities and the Indian Consulate office in Houston to send the
remains of Naresh to India.
Prof Anantha Babbili, Dr Ram Mulukutla, Coastal Bend India Association, Indian Students Association members, Aravind, Vikram and several other TANA
Team Square members are helping with the arrangements.