Based on Camille DeAngelis’ novel of the same name, “Bones and All” follows teenage cannibals Maren (Russell) and Lee (Chalamet) as they travel through the backroads of America. Michael Stuhlbarg, André Holland, Chloë Sevigny, David Gordon Green, Jessica Harper, Jake Horowitz, Francesca Scorsese, Anna Cobb and Mark Rylance also star in the film adaptation.
“There is something about the disenfranchised, about people living on the margins of society, that I am drawn toward and touched by. I want to see where the possibilities lie for them, enmeshed within the impossibility they face,” Guadagnino said in a statement about the film. “The movie is for me a meditation on who I am and how I can overcome what I feel, especially if it is something I cannot control in myself. And lastly, and most importantly, when will I be able to find myself in the gaze of the other?”Chalamet and Stuhlbarg reunite with their “Call Me by Your Name” director for the forthcoming cannibal love story. The film is also written by Guadagnino’s longtime collaborator David Kajganich, who previously worked with Guadagnino on 2015’s “A Bigger Splash” and 2018’s “Suspiria.”
“Bones and All” is produced by Guadagnino, Theresa Park, Marco Morabito, Dave Kajganich, Francesco Melzi d’Eril, Lorenzo Mieli, Gabriele Moratti, Peter Spears and Chalamet. Giovanni Corrado, Raffaella Viscardi, Marco Colombo and Moreno Zani executive produce.
The film’s financiers are The Apartment Pictures (a Fremantle Company), 3 Marys Entertainment, Memo Films, Tenderstories, Elafilm, Wise Pictures, Excelsa, Serfis and Piace. MGM secured domestic and international distribution rights, while Vision Distribution will distribute the film in Italy.
“Bones and All” premieres in theaters Nov. 23.