Cocobod Armajaro Traceable Foundation (CATF), a not-for-profit organisation that carries out projects in Ghanaian cocoa farming communities, has embarked on a further programme to improve the livelihoods of cocoa farming communities by distributing 50,000 mosquito bed nets to farmers in the cocoa-growing areas of Ghana.
CATF will use Armajaro Ghana Ltd's depots and the assistance of NetsforLife and the Ghana National Malaria Control Programme to ensure full
and effective use of the nets. Over 100,000 people are expected to benefit from the distribution of these nets.
The 50,000 bed nets being distributed are PermaNet long-lasting insecticidal nets, which require no re-treatment or dipping and have a dirt repellent feature to keep them clean for longer.
The nets are recommended by the World Health Organization's Pesticide Evaluation Scheme and Malaria No More for safe and effective prevention and control of malaria and other vector-borne diseases.
Armajaro Ghana Ltd is ideally placed to distribute bed nets in rural areas, as it has a long-established buying network that has contact with more than 75,000 farmers who supply its 45 district depots in five regions across the country.
Traceable cocoa is sourced in the cocoa-growing areas of Ghana by Armajaro Ghana Ltd.
Cocoa processors and chocolate manufacturers purchase traceable cocoa from the Ghana Cocoa Board's Cocoa Marketing Company (CMC).