Glide submarine for tourists and pneumatic wing are among the 20 ideas and products seeking investors during the three-day exhibition
BulInvent'09, which opened here on Wednesday.
"We hope all innovations presented here are meant to be winning products and services at the market," the event's organizer, the Union of Inventors of Bulgaria, told Xinhua on Thursday.
The gliding submarine named "submarine ferryboat" by its inventor Martin Nikolov can
hold four tourists and dive up to 10 meters. It was registered in the Bulgarian Patent Office
three years ago.
A rope connects the submarine to a motorboat and moves it ahead and underwater. When there is no moving, the submarine emerges, Nikolov told Xinhua. It has a rudder as well, he added.
So far this submarine is only a drawing. "To produce the first one costs 90,000 U.S.dollars including all safety certificates, the next will be 3,000 each, but in Bulgaria there are no
investors interested to fill money in such a project," Nikolov said.
Julian Bratanov's idea for pneumatic wing sounds even more unreal. The inventor supposes that when the air under high pressure is coming out of holes placed on the surface of the wing, the wing's aerodynamic size could be changed.
"The change of the air pressure supposes to change the wing's lift. Furthermore this air
layer could reduce the air resistance of the airplane," Bratanov said.He thinks his innovation could be applied not only for airplanes, but
also for cars and shipbuilding.
Bulgaria is famous for its innovations in space technologies, microbiology and computers,
but during the last five years only between 240 and 270 patent requests have been submitted
annually to the Bulgarian Patent Office.