The Chocolate Scorecard exists to help drive change in the chocolate industry towards helping the production of better chocolate – better for people, primates, and planet.
Each year we select companies that are leading in different areas and this year the winners are:
The Chocolate Scorecard’s new website will be launched at 6am GMT the same time that the Scorecard will be released. Consumers can explore their favorite chocolate brands and see how they compare.
It contains the scoring for 63 companies - large, small chocolate companies and retailers (on their “own brand” chocolate). They are rated in 6 areas and then given an overall score. The areas are:
Each area then the aggregated score places the areas and the company overall rating in 4 colors; Green – leading in policy and practice, Yellow – progressing in policy and practice, Orange – needs improvement in policy and practice, Red – Trailing in policy and practice.
WE CARE ABOUT CHOCOLATE - Because we care about people and the environment.
Chocolate is a sweet treat that we often share with people we love to celebrate a special occasion, or just to indulge a sweet moment. But often the conditions that it's made in are far from sweet.
When cocoa farmers and their communities are living in poverty, they deforest to clear more land to grow more cocoa. They rely on family and unpaid labor (child labor and forced labor) to make ends meets. As a result, our environment is harmed, and children's future opportunities are squandered, just to survive.