The graduates, who underwent training in 21 trade disciplines, including Hairdressing, Dressmaking, Tailoring, Masonry, Carpentry, Aluminium Fabrication, Motor Vehicle Mechanics, Plumbing, among others, as part of their graduation, were given startup tools to help commercialize the skills they acquired.
The artisans, who had the opportunity to write and pass their National Vocational Training Institute (NVTI) Examination, facilitated and funded by GNPC, also received soft skills training in standards of business and entrepreneurship. GNPC, in collaboration with the National Board for Small Scale Industries (NBSSI), ensured that the beneficiaries received training in Branding, Customer Relations, Bookkeeping, Marketing/Sales, Attitude to Work, Safety at Work, and Entrepreneurship.
Speaking at the graduation, the Executive Director of GNPC Foundation, Dr. Dominic Eduah, said the GNPC Foundation is committed to its drive to positively impact the livelihoods of the people from Ghana’s oil resources.
He, however, emphasized the Foundation’s determination to ensure the Western Region always gets its fair share of its projects.
“In terms of projects in this region, our data on completed and ongoing projects shows that GNPC Foundation has tackled 162 projects across the Western Region alone, and we are set to continue in this direction,” he noted.
The Chief Executive of the Aseda Foundation, Diana Adjei, while expressing appreciation for the collaborative relationship it has with GNPC, said that the working relationship is yielding value for the lives of the youth in the Western Region and the rest of the country.
The Mayor of Sekondi-Takoradi, Abdul Mummin Issah, who graced the occasion, thanked GNPC Foundation for its impactful initiatives in society through the Foundation. He challenged the graduates to make the investments GNPC Foundation has made in them count in their lives and in society.