O line 1 of the abidjan metro network: the technical and financial offer submitted by the abidjan rail transport company (star) has been approved
ON 21 DECEMBER 2019, the Ivorian authorities in charge of the project, coordinated by the Minister of Transport, signed addendum number 2 approving the technical and financial offer submitted by the Abidjan rail transport company (STAR - Société des Transports Abidjanais sur Rail). The addendum was signed in the presence of Alassane Ouattara, President of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire and Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic.
This addendum confirms the route of the future Line 1 of the Abidjan metro network. It is 37 kilometres long and follows a natural corridor serving 18 stations from the north (Anyama Centre) to the south (Airport) of the Ivorian capital.
Line 1 of the Abidjan Metro, which will be OPERATED AND MAINTAINED BY THE KEOLIS GROUP, is the MOST AMBITIOUS MASS TRANSIT PROJECT IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Keolis will ensure the operational review of the system during the construction phase. Capable when completed carrying 500,000 passengers per day, THIS METRO WILL EQUIP THE IVORIAN CAPITAL WITH A WORLD-CLASS PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM.