To validate the Annual Work Plan and Budget for 2020, deliberation has taken off at this year's Micro and Small-scale Enterprise(MSEs) development stakeholders forum held in the Birim Central Municipality of the Eastern region.
The deliberation were on the importance of MSEs to the socio-economic development, challenges faced by MSEs and possible intervention.
The forum organised by the Business Advisory Centre (BAC) of the National Business for Small Scale Industries(NBSSI) attracted about 50 participants across the Municipality from the agriculture sector, manufacturing and service sectors.
A speech read by the Municipal Information Officer on behalf of the Municipal Chief Executive Madam Victoria Adu indicated that, members into MSEs played a major role in the country's development and some of who helped the government in increasing infrastructure and manufacturing industries and reducing issues like slums and poverty.
Also, the challenges faced by the MSEs she stated, included; limited capacity to manage their affairs systematically, low level of investment and starting business without conducting survey.
Regarding these challenges; Madam Adu noted that, the government has put in place interventions such as; Planting for Food and Jobs and National Entrepreneurship Innovation Programme (NEIP)to address them.
The NEIP exists to create jobs and provide entrepreneurial Ghanaian youth to a critical alternative to salaried employment.
The MCE then urged the participants to participate in their various sectors by sharing ideas among themselves in order to actualise the objective of the forum.
Mr Richard Mongson the Head of the Business Advisory Centre in the Birim Central Municipality moderated the forum.
Mr Richard Agyiri a technician from the service sector and a participant identified that, levies imposed on the group by the assembly was high and that he called for adjustment.