The key event for business between Africa and France
Paris – 22nd and 23rd of October 2018
Ambition Africa 2018 is organized by Business France, under the authority of the French finance ministry and the French ministry of European and foreign affairs, Ambition Africa 2018 offers an outstanding opportunity for African and French companies to share their expertise, to meet the key players and to create partnerships in BtoB meetings, workshops and conferences.
Following the discourse in Ouagadougou of the French President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, Ambition Africa 2018 aims at reinforcing the trade and economic bonds between France and Africa. Ministers, ambassadors and companies delegations from the whole African continent will be gathered.
Key institutional partners support Ambition Africa 2018 such as AFD/Proparco, Bpifrance, CIAN, Medef, Medef International, CCEF, Conseil Présidentiel pour l’Afrique (CPA), the French Chambers of commerce and private sponsors such as CMA-CGM, TOTAL, ENGIE, SOCIETE GENERALE, CFAO GROUP, FIDAL, BOLLORE LOGISTICS, etc.
The French Embassy in Ghana and Business France invite Ghana companies to participate to the Forum by signing up for free on the following website :
About Business France
Business France is a French Government Agency supporting the internationalization of the French economy.
The agency helps companies in their international development and exports. It also identifies new investors and promotes international inward investments.
Business France works toward developing France brand image and French companies and territories attractiveness. It enables international internship in French companies abroad (VIE).
Business France has 1500 employees in France and in 64 countries and relies on a private and public network.
Visit the website for additional information : - @businessfrance