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<div>- KT's Nationwide LTE Project in Rwanda Introduced at 2018 KOAFEC -<br />
<div>- KT to Cooperate on Africa's Drive for ICT-Based Economic Growth -<br />
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KT Corp. (KRX: 030200; NYSE: KT), Korea's largest telecommunications company, said today it will expand cooperation with African countries in information and communications technology, based on its successful nationwide LTE network in Rwanda, a first in Africa.<br />
<div>KT, formerly known as Korea Telecom, disclosed its ICT support plans for African countries at the 2018 Korea-Africa Economic Cooperation (KOAFEC) Conference and the 53rd African Development Bank Annual Meetings, held on May 21-25, at BEXCO in Busan, South Korea. Business projects and success models in Africa were introduced at the KOAFEC's Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Forum.<br />
<div>As a panelist at the PPP Forum, Kim Hyung-Joon, head of the KT Global Business Unit, explained the company's nationwide 4G LTE network project in Rwanda, which was completed this month in cooperation with the Rwandan government, and emphasized the importance of ICT infrastructure for economic development in Africa.<br />
<div>"We will cooperate with African countries to pursue economic growth based on ICT as the Rwanda project has enriched our experience and gave us greater insight," Kim said. "KT's delegation actively exchanged opinions on a wide range of matters for business cooperation between public and private sectors in major African countries with their representatives to the conference."<br />
<div>The KOAFEC Conference, jointly organized by South Korea's Ministry of Strategy and Finance and Export-Import Bank of Korea with the African Development Bank, is the largest event in Korea for economic cooperation involving Africa. The Ministerial Round Table and the PPP Forum are the highlights of the conference.</div>
<div>The African Development Bank is a regional multilateral organization established in 1964 to promote sustainable economic development and social progress on the African continent. South Korea has increased cooperation and exchanges with its member countries since it joined the organization in 1982.<br />
<div>For photos and more information, please visit our English website: <a href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001G4Cfly4PdeF1qnI4g1gKRoOtCSwCXE9mLxgNgElneRBtEsmTXlSwzu3QQd9EsyV0paaqZgBH-7pAf5Q2iat_sMy8rgcsTJfzilRi1NAAg1_PqviItv1jTDrFKy_K6yG_Eoj4xkDwyNALRfEP7KY0pg==&c=kbIEXU_fGlQ-ubpaTCew35QhytYR40jIIzSB5PbEYrEQwMPri3K98w==&ch=cblrC_dUu-6yvEo6qiQD8_JRfH_f2izxij0HyubbU0GeOOUjEDCW0g==" style="color: #DE4E3A; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: underline;" target="_blank" title="This external link will open in a new window">https://corp.kt.com/eng/</a></div>