Golda Unique Payroll Solutions
Golda Unique Payroll Solution is into the development of customized payroll management system for Ghanaian and multinational companies. Our payroll is widely used by local and few multinationals.
All your accountant has to do is to feed the system with names, account numbers and salary amounts; The following reports are then generated; 1. Payroll summary 2.
Deductions summaries 3. SNNIT Report (SNNIT) 4.
Reports to Ghana Revenue Authority (PAYE) 5. Limitless instant printable payslips 6.Salary Payment Analysis Report 7.
Salary Payment Advice to Bankers 8.Overtime payment analysis report. All prepared once; just print them monthly,unless your accountant will have to input new data. For more details contact nana on 0267150097 .