Swat Support Services
INTRODUCTION OF COMPANY-SWAT SUPPORT SERVICES We wish to take this opportunity to introduce our company SWAT SUPPORT SERVICES to you. SWAT SUPPORT SERVICES is a mainstream security consultancy firm providing security, event and domestic support services for individual households and organizations in various forms.
These services range from: domestic management and relay services, security consultancy and event security of corporate and social events such as conferences, Award ceremonies, parties, seminars, exhibitions, Trade Shows, VIP Close Protection (Private Body Guard/Escort). Our key object is to cater for the security need of clients in the aforementioned vital engagements, thereby enabling our clients to concentrate on other business areas.
By engaging us, you avail yourself to professional assistance to create tangible and sustainable value in your seasonal and periodic events, programmes and projects. Should you require any further clarification and information, do not hesitate to contact the under signed.
I hope this will receive your kind consideration.