JobHouse Recruitment Agency
JobHouse Services Limited (JobHouse Recruitment Agency) is a leading recruitment agency in Ghana. Since it’s inception in 2010, JobHouse has provided quality recruitment and HR development services to many companies in Ghana.
Over 100,000 fresh graduates are churned out of tertiary institutions in Ghana annually. Most of these fresh graduates have neither experience nor key employable skills.
At JobHouse, we aim to reverse this trend. We have over the years assisted hundreds of fresh graduates and job seekers in general to find careers in Ghana or become self-employed through various training and career development programmes.
Our Vision To become Ghana’s number one HR consultancy services provider through the provision of quality customer service and finding innovative ways to minimize the cost of recruitment in Ghana for both corporations and individuals.
Our Mission We seek to make sure the right candidates are matched with the right jobs and further help to empower such candidates or job seekers with practical skills, using proven methods and innovative approaches to help propel the successes of businesses in Ghana and beyond.