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JOSH TRACXS is a Sole Proprietor registered company having evolved from AdedeinkpoEternal Universal Tracxs with varied experience.
Josh Tracxs registered as a general merchant and real estate agent providing products and services to clients and businesses.
VISION :To be the preferred bridge between Small and Medium Enterprises to the global corporate world.
MISSION To work diligently and exceptionally in bringing solutions to businesses in need of support to achieve set goals.
With the motto “Affecting Generations” we employ methods that exceed the expectations of clients and bringing services we believe brings about continuous success in business
REAL ESTATE AGENCY : With the need for housing accommodation and business offices in the country for all classes of people, our land agency portfolio is filled with parcels of land in various prime locations around the capital city for sale and lease,residential lands for development on the outskirts of Accra, not limited to lands, we have houses and properties for rental